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tamoadmin 2024-05-28
1.《从足球流氓到黑帮崛起4》完整版在线播放2.请问有没有人告诉我最近新**的观看地址啊?有点像《独臂拳王》导演 王羽编剧 王羽主演 王羽 / 龙飞 / 田野





导演 王羽

编剧 王羽

主演 王羽 / 龙飞 / 田野 / 唐沁

又名 One Armed Boxer

上映 1971

类型 剧情 / 动作

地区 香港 / 台湾

语言 汉语普通话


austin howard - heaven knows


I feel lost and confused, I've been around, I've played the fool

I've got a find a way, this time the pressures on

Can't see the gold, my friend is gone

Life aint what it used to be, its such a terrible thing,

When you feel life aint worth living

And you just tred in water

But this time I must be strong

Read the signs to find my way home, from the edge of the border


Heaven knows, what life may bring

There could be blue skies through the rain

And I know that I must find my way

So come on, help me to realese my soul today

Won't you help me, help me through this pain

Cuts like a knife, burns like acid rain

So come on, help me to realese my soul

Nobody knows, which way, which road to go

From all this pain, what could be found?

Cried my tears into the ground

Angel, won't you save me?

And the seeds of hope and soul

Come to see the grass thats grown

Still I stand here, feeling empty.

Ive been living in fear, but i'm movin on

Still I'm standing here, life will go on.


Heaven knows, what life may bring

There could be blue skies through the rain

And I know that I must find my way

So come on, help me to realese my soul today

Won't you help me, help me through this pain

Cuts like a knife, burns like acid rain

So come on, help me to realese my soul

Nobody knows, which way, which road to go

Heaven knows, what life may bring

I have a feeling, you will feel the acid sting

Help me, to release my soul today

Help me, Help me, Help me

Help me,

Help me.



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